Wake-Up Call: Older Students Are Falling Through the Cracks After COVID

Newsflash: The pandemic didn't just disrupt school routines; it derailed the futures of many students, especially those in middle and high school. A new report sounds the alarm: these older kids are in deep trouble, and it's time we pay serious attention.

The Scary Facts

Brace yourselves, because the stats are bleak:

  • Reading and math scores hit record lows. One in three eighth graders can't even read at a basic level.

  • Absenteeism skyrocketed. Millions of kids missed a huge chunk of school, and we don't even know where some of them have gone.

  • College dreams are fading as fewer students are even taking the entrance exams, and those who do are scoring poorly.

  • Overall, college enrollment has plummeted.

Why Older Students Were Hit Hardest

Think back to your own middle and high school years. These weren't just about multiplication tables. These kids were:

  • Tackling challenging subjects with less support during remote learning (think algebra and beyond).

  • Developing independence and study skills that got stunted by online classes.

  • Experiencing major social and emotional growth, which got put on hold due to lockdowns.

The Hidden Crisis

The scariest part? Unlike younger kids whose struggles were more apparent, older students might be quietly failing. We need to catch them before they fall completely off the radar.

Is High School the Culprit?

This report begs the question: Does high school even work anymore? Are we preparing our kids for the real world, or just handing them diplomas that don't reflect actual skills and readiness?

We Can't Afford Inaction. Here's What We Need:

  • Targeted Catch-Up: Gap year programs, intensive tutoring – we need to specifically help older students bridge the gap, not just assume they'll 'figure it out'.

  • Rethinking High School: Let's ditch the one-size-fits-all model. Can we blend academics with career exploration, real-world projects, and flexibility for those who need a different path?

  • Honest Communication: Parents, your child's report card might not reflect how they're truly doing. Schools need to be transparent and provide meaningful progress updates.

The Bottom Line

The pandemic exposed cracks in our system that were already there. The longer we wait, the more of these young people we lose – to dropouts, dead-end jobs, and a sense of hopelessness about their futures.

This isn't just about test scores, it's about a generation's potential. We owe our older students a fighting chance.

Let me know your thoughts! Are you seeing this in your kids or school? What solutions do you propose?

material from https://www.the74million.org/article/crpe-state-of-american-student-learning-loss-high-school/#:~:text=Middle%2D%20and%20high%2Dschool%20students,%E2%80%9Cdeserve%20our%20urgent%20attention.%E2%80%9D

Jeremiah Riesenbeck

Jeremiah is an educator in the fifth largest school district in the country his passion for media goes back a long way. Jeremiah is the creator and host of several podcasts including the highly successful Teaching Today Podclass, which is an advice show for educators. 

Jeremiah has a knack for taking idea’s and running with them until he gets the results wanted! 



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